Certified Public Accountants Napa

Certified Public Accountants NapaWhere can I find the best Certified Public Accountants in Napa that have experience with wineries and vineyards?

Napa wineries, businesses, and professionals prefer DBM, LLP for accounting and tax preparation services. For a personable, flexible, and knowledgeable CPA, Dillwood Burkel & Millar, LLP boasts a team of Certified Public Accountants dedicated to helping you achieve financial success.

What is the difference between a Certified Public Accountant and a bookkeeper?

Bookkeeping is basically the record keeping aspect behind accounting. Bookkeepers assist in the day-to-day operations of a business, including bill paying, invoicing and payroll processing. Bookkeepers also generate internal financial statements and assist Certified Public Accountants with information used in a tax return. Generally, CPAs actually create a system of bookkeeping specific to each business, develop internal controls to ensure the accuracy of the system, evaluate financial records and information, and perform tax preparation services. CPAs are also licensed, and a stipulation of their license is to thoroughly continue their education throughout their career.

At DBM, located minutes away from Napa, we can help you with both bookkeeping services and accounting duties. Our team of Certified Public Accountants can design and implement your accounting system, tweak your existing system, train your staff, provide bookkeeping services, and ultimately guide you through the maze of IRS tax regulations.

How can your Certified Public Accountants help my Napa County business?

By continuing our education, using state-of-the-art technology, and developing solid client relationships, DBM Certified Public Accountants is committed to excellence. No matter the service, from tax preparation to accounting services, Dillwood Burkel & Millar, LLP is keen to help you succeed. To schedule an appointment, call 707-577-8806. Located on 175 Concourse Blvd., Suite A, Santa Rosa, CA 95403, we look forward to meeting you.

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